Feb 9Liked by Cassie

Oh no, Cassie!!! I’m hoping they’re in your storage room. I feel like you would have noticed a bunch of boots in a bag of donations.

I kind of did the same thing to myself in a round of organizing last year. I bought a bunch of bins that fit under the beds. However, I completely forgot that I had brilliantly decided to use one under one of the boys’ beds for the spare sets of twin sheets. I figured that way if they were needed in the middle of the night, they would already be in their room. And it saved so much room in the tiny hallway closet.

Then when we were packing for vacation last year, I couldn’t find them to save my life! I kept telling Reid that they must still be in a bin in the garage from vacation the year before. Fast forward to cleaning under their beds sometime this Fall. Lo and behold all of the spare twin sheets in a perfectly logical place!

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This gives me some hope. I was feeling the same way like honestly, how could I have not noticed all those boots in a bag when I was dropping off the donations?? I'm crossing my fingers I somehow find them in a few months like you found the sheets! That was a really good idea to do the underbed storage LOL and you'll never forget about them again I bet.

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Feb 9Liked by Cassie

I have a solution. Move to SC. No boots needed! ;) hehehe

What a mystery though! Could they be in your car??!

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SC is sounding very tempting right now!! Especially with the winter we've been having. Good thought about my car since it ends up being a dumping ground for a lot of stuff LOL...I'm pretty sure they're not there because I recently had to clear out most of the trunk to get some other stuff in there, but I'm definitely gonna check!! :)

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